Thursday, February 5, 2009


To often we are to quick to call someone our FRIEND. With a heart as big as mine I have to be extra careful about the company that I keep. For a "FRIEND" there's almost nothing I wouldn't do to help them in a time of need. Most times it's hard for me to even say no. And never once have I helped out a friend because I was lookin for some type of reward or honor, I do things out of the kindness of my heart... feeling fulfillment knowing that I made someones day a little better. Oh but to quick to many times I've called someone "FRIEND" and boy was I way off... shoulda called them "USER" maybe even "LIAR" but definitely not "FRIEND"!

Can't put a time on "FRIEND" either. I know we've all had that person or persons we called "FRIEND" and have known them for years just to find out they were a horrible "FRIEND" and possibly never a "FRIEND" at all. If you ask me... it's easier to find a good man then a good "FRIEND" oh and we are very aware that good men are hard to come by so what does that say about a "FRIEND" MMMMMMMHHHHH!

With that said... I am single LOL and without more than a few friends. Notice I didn't have to put quotes on this last [friend] that's because I am positive they live out the definition of friend. It's hard not having any friends but a few... a which for me all live more then 50 miles away... have no man and not even a small interest in one... makes for a lot of free time and lonely nights :-(

Natanya ~ Candice ~ Natalie

You all inspire me. You move me. You make me cry. You make me laugh so hard it hurts.You make me smile. You ALL make me very grateful that I can call you FRIEND.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I've finally realized why I'd rather be a man's friend "with benefits" or the "chick on the side" it's because I don't get my feelings hurt! I mean who wants to put their feelings out there... pressuring a guy to commit when he's not at all ready to do so but he does because he's not ready to lose you even though he's not ready to give you his all. It sucks I know.... real sticky situation right. I'll stick with the saying "I CAN DO BAD ALL BY MYSELF!

But of course I don't want to be single forever. I would love to meet a man that sweeps me off my feet... with the whole fairy-tale ending. I intend to continue to wait on God to send me the man that he has made just for me, I trust that he is out there waiting for me and romance.