Thursday, February 5, 2009


To often we are to quick to call someone our FRIEND. With a heart as big as mine I have to be extra careful about the company that I keep. For a "FRIEND" there's almost nothing I wouldn't do to help them in a time of need. Most times it's hard for me to even say no. And never once have I helped out a friend because I was lookin for some type of reward or honor, I do things out of the kindness of my heart... feeling fulfillment knowing that I made someones day a little better. Oh but to quick to many times I've called someone "FRIEND" and boy was I way off... shoulda called them "USER" maybe even "LIAR" but definitely not "FRIEND"!

Can't put a time on "FRIEND" either. I know we've all had that person or persons we called "FRIEND" and have known them for years just to find out they were a horrible "FRIEND" and possibly never a "FRIEND" at all. If you ask me... it's easier to find a good man then a good "FRIEND" oh and we are very aware that good men are hard to come by so what does that say about a "FRIEND" MMMMMMMHHHHH!

With that said... I am single LOL and without more than a few friends. Notice I didn't have to put quotes on this last [friend] that's because I am positive they live out the definition of friend. It's hard not having any friends but a few... a which for me all live more then 50 miles away... have no man and not even a small interest in one... makes for a lot of free time and lonely nights :-(

Natanya ~ Candice ~ Natalie

You all inspire me. You move me. You make me cry. You make me laugh so hard it hurts.You make me smile. You ALL make me very grateful that I can call you FRIEND.

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